Parallel Port Orford Cedar Shafts (weight matched)
Many in stock
Port Orford Cedar is used for arrows because of its strength, straight grain, elasticity and perfect physical weight to spine weight ratio. All our parallel shafts are premium quality and hand-spined in 5# increments, with grain-weight matched to 10 grains. Available in 40# to 60# weights in 11/32 diameter. Available as dozens only.
Call for spines over 65#
Your Choices for Ordering
1. Spine Weight
Refers to the stiffness of your arrow, or how much the arrow resists being bent. When determining your spine weight, consider: the stiffness of the shaft material, the length of the shaft and the weight of the tip (i.e. arrowhead, field point, etc).
2. Arrow Length from Back of Point
This is the measurement from the back of your point through the insert on the nock of your arrow. It should be slightly longer than your draw length, so that when you have your arrow in full draw, the point of your arrow extends beyond the shelf of your bow.